Infrabaltzing on the way to the Cohost wake

Black and white infrared wide angle photo of a city block in Oakland featuring the boarded and graffiti'd Startlite Child Development Center

Yesterday was the Bay Area Cohost Wake. Several of these have been held in various locations to celebrate the life and death of the internet's favorite fourth website. (My Cohost farewell post.) On the way I grabbed a few photos of targets of opportunity, despite the brutal heat.

(Some of my photo friends call wandering about photographing buildings and structural features "baltzing" in reference to Lewis Baltz, the New Topographics photographer with the most fun surname.)

These buildings were extremely fun. I did not do the math to make sure, but I assume the angular tree scultpure is contributing something to the spirographic riot of light being reflected onto the building opposite. 

In addition to these, I also got an IRChrome shot of my new favorite thing to see in color infrared: some astroturf.