About Me

Black and white infrared photograph of a person wearing a mask, a baseball cap, and glasses, standing in front of a green wall.

I’m a hobbyist photographer in the east bay, interested particularly in infrared photography, using modified digital cameras or infrared-sensitized film to capture non-visible near infrared light alongside visible light.

Historically, infrared imaging has been used for military aerial surveillance and scientific and agricultural purposes, because living foliage reflects infrared very strongly, but dead foliage does not, even if it is still green to the naked eye.

Infrared photography also has a number of other quirks, my personal favorite being the unpredictable way that IR interacts with dyes and pigments on various materials and surfaces. This can result in unpredictable and often surreal rendition of ubiquitous symbols, such as flags. I find this oddly liberating. My largest/longest-running photo project has been focused on US flags in infrared.

I also enjoy less obscure (or, more uncharitably, gimmicky) forms of photography, particularly urban landscape/building portait scenes, street photography, etc., engaging mainly with local and familiar places.